Sevillské fontány - Fountains of Seville (Olga E.)


Sevillské fontány - Fountains of Seville - Fuentes de Sevilla (Olga E.)

"Fountain of the Square of the Virgin of the Kings; Fountain of Hispalis; Fountain of the Frogs (Žabí fontána); Fountain monument to Catalina de Ribera; Mercury Fountain; Fountain called La Pila del Pato, Duck Pile; Fountain at the Saint Diego Gloriette; Fountain of the Four Seasons; Fountain - Columbus Monument; Fountain Monument to Juan Sebastian Elcano; Fountain to the Poets of the Generation of 27; Fountain of the Lions (Lví fontána); Fountain in the Courtyard of the Orange Trees, Cathedral of Seville; The Janus Fountain of the Pilate's House, Casa de Pilatos ... music: Jordi Savall, Hakan Güngör, Michaël Grébil, Dimitri Psonis, Pierre Hamon — Una Pastora (Espagne, Mélodie Séfarade) ..."

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